The Voiceover Screamer

Meet Ali Gohan. Ali is a screamer.

Ali had a very difficult childhood. So painful that we will honor Ali’s request not to delve deeper.

“Dad has his issues,” says Ali. “It was rough on me. And to this day, when I perform, I’m using the memories of my years growing up to fuel the inertia I am vocalizing.”

Ali and his dad at the beach.

“He’s gone now, and I don’t want to get into deep issues about what that experience at home was like. But I can do what I do because of the very deep-seated anger inside of me.

Originally from Pakistan, Ali was raised in a home where finances were always on his dad’s mind. This tension and energy permeated the home, and Ali could feel the anxiety in the air. “He was concerned about money, and I was just a little kid and didn’t know what to do about it,” says Ali. “But because of his concerns at home, that’s the subtext I use to express myself over my childhood agony.

Now, here’s the reality: Ali is a calm, caring, loving type B personality with deep affection in his heart. Those who know him know this.

And, to express his affection to the world, Ali is a foster cat dad and has fostered and found homes for 14 kitty cats. He is currently fostering his 15th cat.

Ali explains his love for cat fostering - Watch here

“To me, VO Plus Cats equals FUN,” says Ali. And to Gohar, expressing love to him and not rage is all brought center stage when wayward cats have nowhere to go, so Ali takes them in.

And so now, at 31, living in Edmonton, Ali is a graduate of the University of Alberta. He offers a very unique niche, of which he is largely unknown for, until now. From video games to animation, when producers need a terrifying vocal scream, It’s Ali they come to. Because Ali Gohar is a screamer!

Phone: 212-213-9487