Meet Katie Jostock. She’s a stay-at-home mom.

She’s a gifted, multi-faceted actress. Holding a master’s degree, she was all set for that “the big company-marque type job.”  But working for a big company didn’t suit her. “I was never interested in the corporate world,” says Katie, “and that turned out to be a good thing.”

In theatre, she’s the woman of a thousand faces. Have a look.

Wondering if she could use her voice for commercials, Katie auditioned for a restaurant commercial, and it’s a company you’ve definitely heard of. She was 21 years old.

Raised in a strict, highly religious, and controlling family, Katie wanted to find a life of freedom. Something that would extract the bonds of her upbringing.

Katie and her mother.

The arts answered that call. She became active in theatre and, in doing so, created a segway to voiceover. A radio drama listener from childhood, Katie understood that the world of drama is on stage or in voice. It was something she adored.

So, in 2020, Katie built an in-home studio, and her first booking was an audiobook, as she was pregnant. “So, my child was literally in my belly when I started my serious career move to become a voiceover artist.”

Construction went fine, and so did the pregnancy. But thereafter came post-partum depression, and it lingered and lingered. “And it didn’t help that my relationship with my parents was strained and continues to be,” says Katie. “But its emotional abuse is rampant in our family, and the problem continues.”

So, Katie found solace in character voices. “Sort of like therapy; characters give you a way to counter the bad feelings you have inside.”

Katie voices Jenny The Destroyer from “Captor Clash” video game.

This led to a sector of voiceover in dubbing. And here’s an example of what has become Katie’s biggest victory.

Katie voices Princess Lani from the “Princess Dorn” video game.

And here’s another example in dubbing. Here, Katie voices in Puppy Nino from “Dotie’s Party.” And yes, it’s Katie barking too.

The notation of her characters really comes to life in a video explaining Fabry Disease.

But as a woman who stays at home and cares for her baby, Katie is able to attract the financial sector. And this Katie using her real voice.

So now let’s put it all together. A parental conflict that continues with estrangement, coupled with a career in entertainment and great respect for her character ranges. So, who was her rock?

Katie and her husband.

He gave me unconditional love. No one had ever done that for me.

“Being raised in privilege, including private school, I’m often confused over how my parents and I conflict, but my family life at home is great,” Katie tells me.

She alludes to the ongoing friction that bothers her regarding her parents. But now she has a perfect home and family life with her one true love.  

“I’ve never been happier,” says Katie. And she’s still a stay-at-home mom.

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