Let’s Talk About Sex And Voiceover

By Keith Brunson

Sex has always been a hot topic. It affects every area of our lives. It’s in conversation globally every day. It’s practiced by some of the earth’s 7.8 billion people. In advertising, it is the industry’s mantra, “Sex sells.” Research has proven that it does. People are interested in sex. And the naked truth is that one hundred percent of all human beings were created due to a sexual act. So, when it comes to sex, it’s a subject that is talked about a lot, every day, everywhere. It is…what makes the world go around.

You may not know, but audio plays a big role in our sexual sensory perception of women. ”If you get turned on by the sound of your partner's voice or sounds made during sex, chances are you would enjoy audio erotica,” says Anne Hoddler-Shipp, a sex educator. She understands the success of the audio-only sexual experience. “The more we explore what turns us on, the better sex we’ll have.” And hearing, seeing, and feeling are the three aspects of sex that create the experience.

Over a dozen companies distribute sexually explicit content produced for women. “For far too long, sexuality has been defined by men,” says Gina Gutierrez, creator of Dipsea, a San Francisco audio erotica firm. www.dipseastories.com “We’ve heard so many stories from women who question if something is wrong with them because they don’t get spontaneously aroused as is so often expected.” Well, enter the power of audio. From Dipsea’s site, you can listen alone, with a partner, or even before a date to heat yourself up. Sexologists confirm audio erotica for women is a long time coming. It’s been around for fifteen years, but the industry has taken off in the last few years. According to Forbes, in 2019, eight million dollars was raised to develop the genre.

So, let’s now talk about OhCleo. www.Ohcleo.com is a Swedish audio erotica company named after Cleopatra. Its distinction is that it is Very voice-over-artist friendly. Creators are charged nothing to post naughty stories on the platform. And they may do so frequently, and from that, they will develop a following. The voiceover artist is the writer and the producer. OhCleo is the distribution platform. Here’s a link, less explicit, to give you a listen so you’ll get the gist.

Celine Fierro leads OhCleo out of Stockholm.

The company’s approach is not pure raw content. What highly distinct is the quality of the storytelling before things get down to the nitty-gritty. And content comes in all story formats that deliver the fantasy. But one thing is sure: "Women like more dominant audio,” says Celine.

As it turns out, while visuals stimulate men, women are more audio-oriented. “And Americans are the most receptive of any country that listens,” Ms. Fierro says.

“And “hit audio tracks” are difficult to create.” Celine alludes to the fact that not anyone with a sexy voice can succeed at this. “Our best content creators are musicians or people who are comfortable with their sexuality.”

Dave Jackson understands this. Dave is a heavy metal singer and a voiceover artist. “A lot of the music we sing is sexual in nature,” says Dave. “And we spend most of our evening being looked at and looking back in a flirtatious way.”

Dave Jackson performs music on-stage and voiceovers in the studio.

“Our entire goal on stage is to get a reaction,” says Jackson, “and we know how to present sexuality to people, so I understand why musicians are good at this.”

Celine explains the importance of audio erotica for ladies. “As women, we spend all of this time trying to look sexy, but no time is spent teaching us confidence.” She goes on to explain that having a good, confident self-image is important for your personal growth. “But when it comes to sex education is trial and error.” And this underscores why the audio erotica platform continues to grow worldwide.

So, if you’re reading this and you’re a voice-over actor, here’s a new and original niche. Think about it. It’s just you, a microphone, and an audience that will never see you. Just like sex itself, audio erotica is a private experience.


Keith Brunson is a professional writer and host of The Voice Choice https://www.thevoicechoice.tv


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